
Weight-Loss Benefits From Olive Oil

Weight-Loss Benefits From Olive Oil
Carrying too much weight is a condition that goes hand-in-hand with high levels of cholesterol, heart disease, and other ailments. But there's good news: Merely switching to monounsaturated fats, which also work against those other diseases, will in itself help you lose a few pounds

Diabetes Benefits From Olive Oil

Diabetes Benefits From Olive Oil
Diabetes causes severe spikes and drops in blood sugar levels, so people with this disease have to be very careful to maintain blood sugar. One way to do this is to eat a diet low in carbohydrates. Now, some researchers are starting to think that a diet high in monounsaturated fats

Cancer Benefits From Olive Oil

Cancer Benefits From Olive Oil
There once was a time when medical researchers linked various cancers to the amount of fat in our diets. Now, many believe that the type of fat is more important than the amount. There is plenty of controversy and much research left to be done on the role olive oil may play in the fight against cancer

Inflammation Benefits From Olive Oil

Inflammation Benefits From Olive Oil
Inflammation is the immune system's first line of defense against injury and infection. It's a natural process that is designed to heal. But too much of a good thing can be painful and ultimately harmful to the body

Heart Benefits From Olive Oil

Heart Benefits From Olive Oil
It seems like a simple change, but switching from saturated fats to monounsaturated fat to prepare your food can produce big benefits. Researchers have shown that the phytochemicals in olive oil can fight cholesterol and prevent heart disease

Benefits of Olive Oil

Olive Oil Health Basics
Olive trees first grew in the Mediterranean region thousands of years ago. They have spread to all areas of the world as the health benefits of olive oil have become well documented. It just so happens that nature provided dietary fats in the olive in the extra ratio that human beings need them. On this page you'll learn about different dietary fats and why the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats in olives are beneficial.

Benefit of Drinking Green Tea

Benefit of drinking green tea

Benefit of drinking green tea: The proof is in -- drinking tea is healthy, says Harvard Women’s Health Watch

Although tea drinking has been associated with health benefits for centuries, only in recent years have its medicinal properties been investigated scientifically. The October issue of Harvard Women's Health Watch recognizes the healthy power of tea while helping readers get the most out of their cups.